Introduce: Ralph Dankers

Introduce: Ralph Dankers

Ralph Dankers is ultimately responsible for the platform! Among other things, he is involved in the digital transformation of the platform, marketing and directs the plans that are created. He is a creative driven manager with a preference for sales through unique and innovative solutions, using his broad knowledge.


His expertise includes strategic marketing, positioning, employee branding, customer journey optimization and online marketing. He has a lot of experience in managing teams. He also knows better than anyone how to approach digital transformations and how to market them.

He has a background in healthcare, environment and sustainability and knows how to bring this ability back many times over in his current career. He likes to strive to improve the customer experience through an effective and clear approach.


All this together makes him a hardworking team player who works in a goal-oriented way, an indispensable part of our team!

Would you like to know more about Ralph? Check out his LinkedIn!